Eighty-Seven courts devoted to ADR week


The Judicial Service would commence this year’s Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) week nationwide from Monday, November 20 to Friday, November 24.

The theme for the week is: “Quality Justice: The Role of ADR”.

The ADR has been adopted by the Judicial Service as part of its adjudication process towards ensuring that access to justice is made easier, cheaper, non-adversarial, expeditious and flexible to all, particularly, the poor and the vulnerable in the society.

A statement issued in Accra by Mr Alex Nartey, the National ADR Coordinator, said in line with this, the Chief Justice in a policy directive on “Court-Connected ADR”, has instituted an ADR Week in every Legal Year Term.

It said the directive was to give parties the opportunity to settle their cases through mediation and also to run programmes and activities to create awareness on the availability of ADR as a complement to the adjudication process in the Courts.

The ADR week would also be used to resolve cases in the 87 Courts Connected to ADR throughout the week nationwide.

It said the 87 courts comprises 25 circuit courts and 62 District courts would devoted the whole week for settlement of court cases with the ADR across the country.

“Members of the public who have cases pending in the courts are therefore, encouraged to contact the Registrars of the courts to arrange for their cases to be referred to ADR,” it added.

The statement said there would also be interviews on Radio and TV Stations throughout the country during the week to educate, sensitise and create public awareness on the “Court Connected ADR” mechanism.

The statement therefore, invites the public to visit the courts, the offices of the Regional ADR Coordinators in the various Regions and the National ADR Directorate within the Supreme Court Building, Accra, to learn more about ADR in the Judicial Service.

It said the official opening of the week would be marked by a press conference at District Court 1 in Cape Coast in the Central Region on Monday



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