Retrieval of Woyome’s judgment debt should be suspended – Arusha Court


The Tanzanian-based African Court on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) also known as the Arusha Court, has ordered Ghana to stay all efforts being made to retrieve the judgement debt of GH¢51.2 million paid to Mr. Alfred Agbesi Woyome.

The Arusha Court has also ordered Ghana to report to the Court within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the order on the measures taken to implement the order.

Mr. Woyome, represented by Ken Stephen Anku and Kwaku Osafu Buabeng, filed an application at the Tanzanian-based Court on 16th January 2017, alleging that the Ghana violated the following rights under the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights, which it signed on 1st March 1989:

  1. The enjoyment of rights and freedoms recognised in the charter without distinction (Article 2 of the Charter)
  2. Equality before the law and equal protection of the law (Article 3 of the Charter)
  3. Right to fair trial (Article 7 of the Charter)

The Arusha Court is of the view that in dealing with the application, the Court has to ascertain whether it has jurisdiction, however, in ordering provisional measures, the Court concluded that it has prima facie jurisdiction to hear the application.

The Court noted that the order would not prejudice any findings the Court will make regarding its jurisdiction and merits of the application.

Mr Woyome sought refuge in the Arusha Court after several applications for stay of proceedings were ruled against by the Supreme Court of Ghana

Source: GhanaJustice/F.Kyeremateng


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