Security Man charged with rape


Carlos Armah, a 24-year old security man at the Soul Restaurant in Osu Ringway Estates, has been charged with rape.

According to the prosecutor, Simon Tokpor, the complainant is a businessman and owner of Soul Restaurant and Bar at Osu Ringway Estates, Accra, where the victim (name withheld) aged 19, works as a cook. The Accused works as a security guard at the Soul restaurant and at night he sits at the reception of the restaurant to guard the place.

The prosecutor said that on 23rd October, 2017, at about 10:30pm, the victim was asleep on a mattress spread on the floor at the dining area, when suddenly the Accused sneaked in.

The victim was awakened by the footsteps of the Accused. The Accused got hold and started demanding to have sex with her. The victim resisted and screamed for help but no one came to her rescue. The victim struggled with the Accused and took a spoon from the floor, and hit the Accused on the face with it.

The prosecutor said that the Accused got angry and assaulted the Complainant until she became weak and blood oozed from her mouth.

Chief Inspector Tokpor explained that thereafter, the Accused forcefully removed the victim’s pant which got torn, and forcibly had sexual intercourse with her. After the act, the Accused is said to have threatened to kill the victim if she revealed the act to anybody and left for his duty post.

The prosecutor said that the victim then passed through the back door of the restaurant and rushed to the complainant’s house where she narrated her ordeal.

The complainant then accompanied the victim back to the restaurant, where the Accused was arrested and sent to the Osu Police Station. At the Police station, a police medical report form was given to the victim to undergo medical examination.

The presiding judge, Justice Stephen Owusu ordered that the docket be forwarded to the Attorney General for advice.

The case was adjourned to 21st November, 2017.


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