Major Mahama and army went to check illegal mining – Prosecution witness

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Mr. Patrick Anim Addo, Counsel for the 13th and 14th Accused persons in the murder trial of Major Mahama has suggested that the First Prosecution Witness, WO2 Sabi Kwesi, in his statement to the Police said that they went to Diaso to check illegal mining.


This according to Mr. Anim Addo, was in contrast with the witness’ testimony in court that they went there to protect C&G Mining Company.

The First Prosecution Witness admitted that that was the statement he gave to the Police which he signed accordingly.

During cross examination, the witness said that they were sent there by the Ghana Army and not by private contract.

When asked what they were protecting the company from, the witness said they were sent to protect the workers and properties of C&G Mining Company.

Mr. Anim Addo went on to ask the witness, the sources of danger from which the army was protecting the company because as a soldier, he should have known where the danger was coming from.

The witness answered that he was sent there by his employer and was not told the source of the dangers.

Counsel asked the witness if he knew whether the Police were aware of their presence in the town and he replied that he could not tell.

In answering questions from Mr. Anim Addo, the witness said that when one Donald, the Managing Director of C&G Mining Company, called and asked him if everyone was home, he was not surprised.

Counsel suggested to the Witness that one of the main sources of the tragedy, was their secret presence in the place, and the fact that people did not know that they were the Army.  The witness said he could not tell.

The witness, when asked if he knew that Major Mahama was mistaken as a robber, answered in the negative.

The case has been adjourned to 12th June, 2018 for the second prosecution witness to testify.

Source: GhanaJustice/F.Kyeremateng