Court fines Marketing Officer for stealing

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An Accra Circuit Court presided over by Her Honour, Jane Harriet Naa Akweley Quaye, has sentenced a 38-year old Sales Personnel, Eric Allotey, to a fine of GHC3600.00 and in default, 24 months imprisonment.


This was after the Accused person pleaded ‘ not guilty’ and underwent a full trial.

The facts as set out by the Judge are that: the Accused is a sales person at Africa Meals Ghana Limited, a rice distribution company.

On 28th January, 2016, the Accused is said to have stolen an amount of GHC 58, 837.00.

In September, 2016, customers who were presumed to be debtors were requesting for more goods and when they were asked to pay their debts, they claimed that they had paid their debts to the Accused person.

The Accused person was alleged to have used the money without the concern of the Managing Director.

During police investigations, the Accused is said to have admitted in his caution statement, that he used GHC10,000 to pay his school fees.

The Court opined that the Accused person appropriated the sum of GHC 10,000 since he did not object to the tendering of his statement as evidence to the Court, by the Police.

The Court however opined that the prosecution failed to establish that all the GHC 58,837.00 was appropriated.

Source: GhanaJustice/F.Kyeremateng


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