Interior decorator in court for stealing gun.


Daniel Kweku Essel, 24, an interior decorator, and Eric Kyeremeh,29, a trader, have been arraigned before court for stealing a pump action gun, among others.


Other offences that the Accused persons have been charged with include: unlawful entry, unlawful damage, possession of fire arm and ammunition without lawful authority, and abetment of crime.

The Accused persons pleaded ‘not guilty’ to the offences.

According to the facts of the case, as read by Chief Inspector Dosoo, the Complainant, Samuel Osiripi Bonney, is a businessman and resides at Kasoa.

He narrated that on 4th January, 2019, at about 2:00am, the Mamprobi police personnel received information that the Accused persons were having a pump action short gun and its cartridges, and were offering it for sale in town.

He added that a police detective went undercover, posed as a prospective buyer, arranged with the Accused persons and met them at Mallam junction, whilst a team of police men laid ambush.

“The two Accused persons appeared at the scene to transact business, but they were arrested, together with one Massbeg pump action gun, and 75 pieces of A.A cartridges”, he said.

According to Chief Inspector Dosoo, investigation established that on 31st December, 2018, at about 11:50pm, the first Accused, Daniel Kwaku Essel, who was a former employee of the Complainant, went to his house at Krispol City, Kasoa, while the household were in church.

“He used a hacksaw blade to cut the burglar proof metals, gained access into the house and stole one Hp laptop, one Samsung mobile phone, a wrist watch and one pump action short gun with 75 pieces of cartridges”, he explained.

According to the Prosecutor, the first Accused, upon leaving the house, gave the booty to the second Accused, Eric Kyeremeh for safe keeping around 3:00am on 1st January, 2019.

He narrated that the following morning the second Accused started disposing off the booty by selling the Hp laptop for GHC300.00 and the mobile phone for GHC100.00, and shared the proceeds with the first Accused.

The Prosecutor added that investigations led the police to the Complainant, who had already reported the incident at the Kasoa police station.

He concluded by saying that all the stolen items were retrieved, and the Complainant identified them as his.

The Court, presided over by His Honour Mr. Aboagye Tandoh has adjourned the case to 28th January, 2019.


Source: GhanaJustice/F.Kyeremateng


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