President Akufo-Addo must resign now – Minority demands


The Minority in Parliament has demanded the resignation of the President of the Republic, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, following an investigative piece on how some alleged militia groups are trained at the Christianborg Castle in Osu.

The Minority stated that there is no sincerity and genuineness on the part of President Akufo-Addo, to uproot the menace of party militias in the country.

In a press statement addressed by the Deputy Minority Leader and Member of Parliament for Ketu North, Mr. James Klutse Avedzi, he pointed out that the President has lost every moral authority to continue to occupy the Presidency after having been caught red-handed in supporting some militia groups.

Mr. Klutse Avedzi reiterated that the investigative report of an Accra-based media house has exposed the pretentious and deceptive character of President Akufo-Addo.

“Apparently, whereas President Akufo-Addo publicly engages in lofty rhetoric about the urgent need to disband political party militias, he is busily nurturing many more militias behind the scenes. This is a clear case of preaching virtue and practicing vice”, he lamented.

Mr. Klutse Avedzi called on the Inspector General of Police, COP David Asante Apeatu, to immediately carry out a swoop and arrest the leaders and members of the De-Eye Group, a militia group at the Christianborg Castle.

Mr. Avedzi explained that the militia group has flagrantly violated some provisions in the 1992 Constitution and the Police Service Act, 1970 (Act 350).

The 1992 Constitution on security agencies

Some provisions in the 1992 Constitution prohibit the formation of militia groups who do not fall within the ambit of the law.

Article 85 of the 1992 Constitution states that “no agency, establishment or other organisation concerned with national security shall be established except as provided for under this Constitution”.

The Constitution further states in Article 100(2) that “no person or authority shall raise any police service except by or under the authority of an Act of Parliament”.

Article 210(2) also stipulates that “no person shall raise an armed force except by or under the authority of an Act of Parliament”.

Investigative reportage on a militia group at the Christianborg Castle

In a recent investigative report by an Accra-based media house, it was revealed that an alleged militia group called, De-Eye Group has been operating at the Chriatianborg Castle in the past two years, when the current government took office.

The investigations revealed that the Commander of the militia group, Nana Wireko Addo, popularly known as ‘Choman’ is the former personal bodyguard of President Akufo-Addo.

The investigations also disclosed that the group is alleged to have two offices at the castle, as the secretariat of the Group and another as the office of the Commander.

The Ministry of Interior, which licenses private security agencies, has indicated that the group is not licensed to provide any security services in the country.

Source: GhanaJustice/S.Ayisi


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