Court remands 24 year-old over currency counterfeiting


A 24 year-old self-styled businessman accused of involvement in the production of fake Ghana Cedi notes, has been remanded into prison custody by the Konongo Magistrate Court, in the Asante-Akim Central Municipality.


Prince Adebayor, the suspect, was caught red-handed by the police at Konongo, engaging in the illegal activity, following a tip-off.

His plea was not taken and would reappear before the Court, presided over by Ms. Joyce Bamfo, on May 28, this year.

Police Detective Princeton Peasah Darkwah, prosecuting, told the Court that on May 6, at about 1400 hours Police received information that the accused was counterfeiting Ghana Cedi notes in front of a shop at Konongo.

He said the police proceeded to the place and arrested the accused who was found right in the act.

The prosecution further told the Court that the accused had in his possession 13 brown envelopes with a concealed compartment containing genuine two Cedi notes, painted black.

He said other items found on him were three bottles containing a black liquid, a small bottle with a whitish powder and 12 pieces of white paper, cut into the size of two Cedi notes.

He led the police in the course of investigation to Ejisu, where he claimed his boss was residing, but on reaching there, the police found an empty office.

The accused however refused to name the said boss.

Detective Inspector Peasah said the accused later confessed to the police that he was on his own as a fake currency producer and that he did this with no accomplice as he had earlier asserted.

He said the accused also admitted counterfeiting two Cedi notes to defraud the unsuspecting public and demonstrated to the police, the process he used to produce the fake currency notes and how he outwits his victims.

The prosecution said the police for the purpose of evidence, filmed the demonstration by the accused.

Source: GNA


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