I.T. Specialist remanded for attempted robbery

An Information Technology (I.T.) Specialist has been remanded by a Circuit Court in
Accra for attempted robbery.
The accused, Richard Sackey was alleged to have conspired with Ibrahim Tunde and Ahmed
Massaudu, to rob a lawyer, Geta Striggner-Quartey, who is the complainant in the case and a
resident of Ringway Estate, Osu.
Charged with preparation to commit crime, to wit, robbery, the Accused pleaded not guilty to the
offence preferred against him by the Prosecution. The Presiding Judge, His Honour Aboagye
Tandoh, remanded him in Police Custody to reappear in court on the 31
of August, 2017.
Briefing the Court on the facts of the case, the Prosecutor, Chief Inspector Kofi Adu, said the
Accused is an errand boy to the Complainant’s family and a driver to the Complainant. He stated
that on the 9
of August,2017,the Accused sought assistance of Ibrahim Tunde and Ahmed
Massawudu, who are witnesses in the case, to rob the Complainant and his family.
The Prosecutor also informed the Court that the Accused drove the Complainant’s Hyundai black
saloon car to Kwame Nkrumah Circle and picked the Witnesses to go and rob the Complainant.
He added that the Accused promised the Witnesses 500 Cedis after a successful robbery
operation. Chief Inspector Adu also said one of the Witnesses informed the Police on mobile
phone about the intended robbery, after which a team of Policemen were dispatched to the scene
where the Accused was arrested. The Prosecutor told the Court that in his Caution Statement, the
Accused admitted the offence.


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