Driver’s Mate jailed 10 years for attempted robbery


A 19-year old Bus Conductor (driver’s mate) has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for attempted robbery.

The Convict, Mawuli Viagbor, who pleaded guilty to the charge of attempted robbery, when he made his first appearance in court, attacked one Ruby Appiah (Complainant) at knife point to steal her mobile phone worth 150 Cedis, but failed.

The case was presided over by His Honour Aboagye Tandoh while Chief Inspector Victor Dosoo was the Prosecutor.

Briefing the Court on the facts of the case, the Prosecutor informed the Court that the Convict and the Complainant reside at Ashaley Botwe, a suburb of Accra. He added that on the 24th of August, 2017, at about 10:30pm, the Complainant went to the public toilet to attend nature’s call in the company of her boyfriend Isaac Amoah.

Chief Inspector Dosoo also said that, with his face masked, the Convict who hid himself around the premises with the intent to commit robbery, sneaked into the public toilet and at knife point, ordered the Complainant to surrender her mobile phone. The Prosecutor further stated that the Complainant shouted for help and her boyfriend responded, chased the Convict and arrested him.




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