Inadequate information delays Major Mahama’s autopsy report


Dr. Lawrence Adusei, the pathologist who conducted a post-mortem on the body of Major Mahama has said that he has not been able to submit the autopsy report because the information he has is inadequate.

He explained that on the day of the post-mortem, only one investigator was available and the investigator seemed not to know much about the incident because investigations were at their early stages. He however, continued with the post-mortem hoping that the investigator would furnish him with adequate information from the crime scene, ballistic experts and detectives but such information was not forthcoming.

The Prosecutor, DSP George Amegah, argued that since a verbal cause of death had been given by the pathologist to the investigators, nothing prevented him from presenting the full autopsy report to the judge.

DSP Amegah also said that the pathologist should have written a letter to the CID Headquarters, indicating his need for adequate information when he realised that the investigators were slowing down his work.

Dr. Adusei prayed the court to give him 3 weeks to come up with the autopsy report.

The judge ordered the CID Headquarters to provide the required team needed by the pathologist to enable him complete the report.

The case was adjourned to the 23rd November, 2017.


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