Parliament summons Minister over fire safety in public high rise buildings

Photo credit: The Presidency

Parliament has summoned the Minister for the Interior, Mr. Ambrose Dery, to answer a question on whether fire safety checks have been undertaken in public high rise buildings across the country, and if not, what steps are being taken in that regard.

The question, which will be asked on Wednesday, October 18, stands in the name of the Member of Parliament for Kumbungu constituency, Hon. Ras Mubarak.

On the same day, the MP for Kpando, Hon. Della Sowah, will also ask the Minister what steps are being taken to collaborate with his Nigerian counterparts towards preventing criminals like the kidnapper, Evans Uchenna, from investing their proceeds of crime in Ghana.

Hon. Mubarak is expected on Tuesday, October 17, to ask the Minister for Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation whether there is any support available to institutions of higher learning that have plans and programmes for developing new technology and innovation, such as the All Nations University which launched a satellite into space.

The Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources is expected today, to make a statement to mark the United Nations (UN) Global Hand Washing Day.

In all, 9 (nine) Ministers are expected to respond to 25 questions during the week.


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