Lawyer for alleged 11-year old Togolese protester pleads for bail


The Defence Counsel for Twenty Six Togolese nationals who, were arrested for holding a demonstration without police permit, has prayed the court to grant bail to Mumuni Jawal who he alleged to be 11 years old.

The presiding Judge, Her Honour Ruby Naa Ayikai Ayikwei, asked the father of Mumuni Jawal of his (Mumuni) age. His father answered that his son was 11 years old.

The judge asked the father of the Accused if he had his birth certificate but his father said he did not.

The judge then ordered that the Accused be taken to the Police Hospital for his age to be ascertained and a report be brought to the court on the 17th of November, 2017.

Her Honour Ruby Ayikwei said that she would rule on the plea for bail on the said date.


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