Pathologist ordered to appear in Court


By Joyce Danso, GNA

Accra Nov. 21 GNA – A District Court in Accra has ordered that Dr Lawrence Edusei the pathologist who conducted autopsy on the late Danquah Adu, Member of Parliament (MP) for Abuakwa North, be served personally with Court processes to appear before it.

To this end the Court presided over by Ms Aret Nsemoh has tasked the Court’s Registrar to ensure that Dr Edusei attend court on November 28.

The court order came in the wake of Prosecution led by Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) George Amegah said the Police did not have the full autopsy report on the late MP.

DSP Amegah told the court that on November 14, this year at about 12:30 noon the Head of Pathology Unit of the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital was served with the court processes through one Judith, an Administrative Clerk.

According to DSP Amegah, the Police has not heard from Dr Edusei and could not tell why he did not turn up in court.

When the court asked in open court whether there was anybody from the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital no one responded.

DSP Amegah said per the laws on a Coroner, the court should direct the pathologist to submit the full report on the deceased.

Daniel Asiedu and Vincent Bosso are being held for the murder of the late MP in his residence at Shaishie in Accra.

They have been charged with abetment of crime to wit murder.

Asiedu is additionally charged with murder.

They were discharged from a High Court when the Attorney-General filed for discontinuation of the earlier trial but were later re-arrested and fresh charges preferred.

Earlier, Prosecution had told the court that Aseidu resides at Agbogboloshie and Bosso was his friend.

He said the deceased Joseph Boakye Danqauh Adu was the MP for Abuakwa North constituency in the Eastern Region.

Aseidu had been talking to Bosso to plan some robbery expedition. On February 8, last year, at about 11:30 pm Aseidu and Bosso armed themselves with various implements such as a screw driver, a cutter, and knife left Agbogboloshie to East Legon on a robbery spree.

The accused persons walked around to see which house they were going to rob and eventually pointed at the house of the deceased as a potential house they were going to rob. Bosso however left after a disagreement on the choice of the MP”s house.

He said Aseidu entered the house of the deceased and noticed that there was light in the MP’s bedroom upstairs and that he could not easily access the room.

Aseidu took a ladder as aid and climbed onto the porch and entered the room through the window.

The deceased who had arrived home earlier around 11.40pm, had gone to bed. Asiedu on seeing the lights on in the deceased’s room entered and began to search the room. In the process, the MP woke up and attempted to stop Aseidu.

Asiedu who had a knife stabbed the deceased several times in the neck and chest. The MP bled and collapsed.

While Aseidu was stabbing the MP, he (Asiedu) also sustained various cuts in his palm and chest.

Asiedu found in the room three mobile phones and later escaped through the adjourning house and fled.

A security man in the deceased’s house later found that the ladder was on the wall to the deceased room. The security man raised an alarm and he and other occupants in the house entered the MP’s room and saw the deceased in a pool of blood.

Autopsy report indicated that the MP died of excessive bleeding as a result of multiple stabbing. Investigations led to the arrest of accused persons.

Aseidu had indicated that he only went there to steal.



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