Let’s stand in solidarity with Israel – Ntim Fordjour

Photo Credit: Prime News Ghana

Member of Parliament for Assin South, John Ntim Fordjour, has called on Ghanaians to stand in solidarity with the people of Israel following series of attacks on the country.

He stated that the country is faced with constant target of terrorist attacks by the Hamas, a terrorist group based in Palestine.
In a commemorative statement made on the floor of Parliament in solidarity with the State of Isreal on the occasion of the country’s 70th Anniversary, Mr Ntim Fordjour noted  that a total of 302 rockets and mortars had been fired into Israel from Gaza Strip within the spate of three months, between May 29 and July 17 this year.
In the face of these unwarranted massacres, which he condemned in no uncertain terms, Mr Ntim Fordjour appealed to the international communities particularly the United Nations and  African Union to arise and protect the rights of the country
He used the occasion to tout Israel’s credentials as being renowned in the world for their economic prowess, high technological advancement and agricultural exploits.
“Aside the US and China, Isreal has the most companies listed on the tech-focused NASDAQ stock exchange”, he revealed.
Mr Ntim Fordjour added that Israel also provides home to some of the most prestigious and sacred Judaist, Christian and Islamic heritage in the world.
Expressing his optimism, Mr Ntim Fordjour reiterated that with the intervention of all relevant stakeholders, the Israel-Palestine conflict will see a lasting solution.
Source: GhanaJustice/S.Ayisi


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