Musician remanded for stealing from Shoprite

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A 30-year old Musician, David Ike has been remanded by an Accra Circuit Court after he was charged with stealing from Shoprite and using narcotic drugs.


The Accused person pleaded ‘not guilty’ to both charges.

The facts of the case are that the Complainant is a security guard at West Hills Mall located at Weija, and the Accused who is a musician, has no fixed place of abode.

On 12th August, 2018, at about 8:00pm, while people were busy shopping at the Mall, the Accused person also entered the Shoprite section of the Mall, picked a bag and loaded the following items without paying for them: King Cracker Biscuits, one medi-soft soap, two Lindor chocolates, two sets of tissue, underwear, two bottles of Voltic water and one packet of Burger peanuts, all valued at GHC167.85.

The Accused person walked out of the shop with the goods, and the security guard called him to come back and produce receipts covering the items.

He could not produce any receipt and was therefore arrested, and the items retrieved from him.

The Accused was later handed over to the Police on duty at the West Hills Mall and a further search conducted on him revealed a wrap of substance suspected to be narcotic drugs.

The Accused was subsequently re-arrested together with the exhibits and handed over to the New Weija Police for investigations where he admitted committing the offence in his cautioned statement.

The case has been adjourned to 4th September, 2018.

Source: GhanaJustice/F.Kyeremateng


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