Errand boy gets 13 years for Defilement


Accra, Oct. 19, GNA – Ishmael Oblitey, a Canopy Erector, who defiled a ten year old girl at Korle Gonno in Accra was on Thursday sentenced to 13 years imprisonment by a Circuit Court in Accra.

Oblitey charged with defilement had pleaded guilty.

The court presided over by Mr Aboagye Tandoh convicted Oblitey aged 20, on his own plea and sentenced him accordingly.

According to the court it took into consideration the plea of the accused and the five days he had spent in custody.

Prosecuting Chief Inspector Kofi Atimbire said the complainant is a trader residing at Korle Gonno with the victim.

Chief Inspector Atimbire said Oblitey resides in the same vicinity with the complainant whom he had been running errands for at a cost.

On October 9, this year, the prosecutor said at about 19:00 hours the complainant sent Oblitey into her room to bring some bags of sachet water for her to sell.

The complainant sent Oblitey a second time, to go for more of the water in her room. On entering the complainant’s room he saw the victim lying on the bed watching television and he approached the victim to allow him have sex with her.

Prosecution said the victim declined, but Oblitey forcibly removed her panty and had sex with her.

The following day, Chief Inspector Atimbire said the victim complained to her mother that she was having pains in between her thighs but the mother (complainant) took it for granted.

On October 15, this year when the victim went to school, she was unable to walk properly. When the school authorities questioned her, she let the cat out of the bag.

The victim was therefore escorted home.

Prosecution said the victim’s mother therefore reported the incident to the Police and a medical for was issued to her to seek medical attention for the victim.

When the accused was arrested he admitted the offence in his cautioned statement.


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