Hunter, 78, Arrested With Human Parts At Bawjiase

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A 78-year-old hunter is in the grips of the Awutu Bawjiase police for allegedly possessing human parts.

The man, Kojo Asare, who claims he hunts for snails approached a fetish priest in the area with the idea of selling to him human parts.

The fetish priest then feigned interest in the trade asking the man to bring the parts on a given date which was December 6.

The fetish priest then informed the police of the action of the 78-year-old with the police laying ambush at the shrine of the fetish priest where the hunter was arrested with the bag containing human parts.

Upon interrogation, Asare revealed to the police that he found the parts in a forest where he was hunting for snails and decided to sell them.

He then led the police to the site where he claims he saw the sack containing the human parts.

The police only found the attire and a faded identification Card believed to be that of the person who was murdered.

The suspect has since been arraigned before court and remanded into police custody for investigation to continue as the parts are to be sent for forensic laboratory audit.


Source: Ghana/ Baah-Acheamfuor


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