Dr. Opuni’s case adjourned

Source: dailyguideafrica.com

The case involving Dr. Stephen Opuni on various financial crime charges has been adjourned to 11th June, 2018.


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The case which was to be heard on the 30th May, 2018 is pending at the High Court due to a ruling expected of the Supreme Court on the interpretation of Article 19 clause (e) and (g) of the 1992 Constitution which will affect an application made by Dr. Opuni. The case has been therefore adjourned because the ruling of the Supreme Court is due on 7th June 2018.

Dr. Stephen Opuni made an application at the High Court asking the Prosecution to supply him with all the documents they intend to rely on at the trial.

Dr. Opuni relied on Article 19 clause (e) and (g) of the 1992 Constitution but the Prosecution argued otherwise.

According to the presiding judge, His Lordship, Mr. C. J. Hoenyenuga, the disagreement between the two counsel paved way for the interpretation of the article, which lies solely in the bosom of the Supreme Court.

The judge said that he was not going to rule on the application, neither was he going to refer it to the Supreme Court, since the interpretation of the same Article was before the Supreme Court in another matter.

Source: GhanaJustice/F.Kyeremateng