‘Obenfo’ doctor’s absence in court deliberate – Prosecutor says

Photo Credit: ModernGhana

Chief Inspector Simon Apiorsornu, the Prosecutor in the murder case against Dr. Dominic Kwame Obeng Andoh, Proprietor of Obenfo Hospital, has said that the absence of the doctor in court yesterday was deliberate.

He explained that the Investigator in Charge of the case, visited the Ridge Hospital where the Accused was said to be on admission. The Investigator informed the Accused who had been declared medically fit to stand trial of the pending court proceedings. According to the Prosecutor, the Accused had claimed he was unfit to be present in court because he could not stand on his feet.

“The Investigator went to speak with the Medical Director of the hospital where the Accused was on admission”, the Prosecutor said.

Chief Inspector Apiorsornu, explained that the Medical Director of the Ridge Hospital, informed the Investigator that the Accused was in good shape to stand trial, and that the Accused was just feigning illness.

The Court presided over by Her Worship, Miss Efua Sackey, has ordered the Medical Director of the Ridge Hospital to present a medical report on the next adjourned date, showing the progress of the Accused’s health, from the time he was admitted.

The case has been adjourned to 19th June, 2018.

Source: GhanaJustice/F.Kyeremateng