Ghana Bar Association condemns brutality meted out by Police Officer


The Ghana Bar Association (GBA) has expressed  horror and revulsion after a video of a police officer assaulting a woman in a financial institution, has been circulating on social media.

The GBA is appalled that a police officer, whose primary duties include ensuring the safety of persons, should brutalise the very persons he is duty-bound to protect, with such impunity. The Bar condemns in no uncertain terms the reprehensible and cruel conduct of the police officer.
The GBA in a press statement has empathised with the victim of the assault for the experience she underwent, and stated that no citizen of Ghana should be subjected to cruelty, no matter the circumstance.
The GBA has described the conduct of the police officer as appalling, despicable and disgraceful.
The association has reiterated its  condemnation, made on 30th June 2018, of persons who attack citizens or persons no matter the cause.
The press statement signed by Mr Benson Nutsukpui and Mr Justin has indicated  that the security of all citizens is not only a fundamental human right but it is   also integral to ensuring the rule of law.
According to the association, insecurity is a threat to the rule of law and undermines democracy and should therefore have no place in Ghana’s democratic dispensation.
The GBA has also noted the statement issued by the Police Administration and particularly the steps it has taken so far and asserts that the matter should be followed through by the Police Administration and the appropriate sanctions applied.
The statement highlighted that  security officers who under the guise of maintaining peace and order attack and abuse and dehumanise citizens must not escape the arm of the law and victims of such brutalities must receive justice.
Source: GhanaJustice/F.Kyeremateng


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