Cal Bank finance officer jailed for stealing


An Accra Circuit Court presided over by Her Honour, Jane Harriet Naa Akweley Quaye, has sentenced one Assan Dickson, a finance officer at Cal Bank to 4 years imprisonment for stealing.


This was after the Accused person pleaded not guilty and underwent a full trial.

The facts of the case are that, the Complainant in this case is the financial controller at Cal- Bank Osu branch whilst Accused person is the financial officer of the same bank.

On 27th September, 2016, Complainant on his routine checks of the bank accounts discovered that the Accused had opened two different accounts in addition to the official one he operated with the bank making three accounts.

Further checks showed that Accused had transferred an amount of GHC109,501.72 from the bank into his three personal account and has withdrawn same on various date.

On 25th October, 2016, the Complainant reported the matter to the police, leading to the arrest of the Accused person.

The Accused person in his caution statement, admitted the offence, and when quizzed further, he indicated that he managed to know the passwords of five authorising officers of the same bank, and through that he intermittently used the passwords to transfer the money into his accounts.

When the Accused was questioned about how he used the money, he indicated that he used part of the money to support his school-going family members and some for his personal use.

Source: GhanaJustice/F.Kyeremateng


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