Major Mahama Trial: Witness disclaims police statement

Major Maxwell Mahama
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The fifth Prosecution Witness, Solomon Sackey, in the murder trial of Major Maxwell Mahama has disclaimed a statement that he is purported to have given at the CID Headquarters in Accra.


He denied having made the purported statement dated 16th November, 2017, after Counsel for the 7th and 8th Accused persons, quizzed him on a police statement taken at the CID Headquarters and signed by him (the Witness).

During cross examination, the Witness said that he had surrendered himself to the Bogosu Police and his statement was taken there, after which he was shown the video coverage of the mob action, and later taken to the Diaso Police to write another statement.

Counsel for 7th and 11th Accused persons, Mr. Augustine Gyamfi, during his cross examination asked the Witness if he was taken to the Diaso police station, the same day his statement was taken and the Witness responded in the negative.

However, according to Mr. Gyamfi, the dates on the Witness’ statements from the Bogosu Police and the Diaso Police are the same.

Mr. Gyamfi also put it to the Witness that the two statements were different because the statement from the Bogosu Police station did not have names of people unlike the statement from the Diaso police, but the Witness disagree with the Counsel and said that he mentioned names in both statements.

Mr. Gyamfi concluded the cross examination by further putting it to the Witness that he mentioned names when his statement was being taken at Diaso, because he had earlier watched the video at the Bogosu Police station, and the Witness answered in the affirmative.

The Court has adjourned the case to 7th February, 2019 and has asked the Prosecution to present their 6th Witness at the next sitting.


Source: GhanaJustice/F.Kyeremateng


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