Paperless system will strengthen parliament’s work – Speaker of parliament


The Speaker of Parliament, Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye, has indicated that Parliament’s decision to move to a paperless system for its business will strengthen the work of the House and facilitate speed in the delivery of its mandates.


Mr. Oquaye stated that the paperless system of transacting business and motions on the floor of Parliament is the best practice to strengthen the work of the House.

Speaking to a delegation from Israel who paid a courtesy visit to parliament, Mr. Oquaye again, explained that Parliament is also working to get a strong and modern library with various relevant books, documents and other related material to enrich the work of the House.

“We need a strong library that can facilitate our work. We are therefore working on a strong library with all the necessary documentation to help the House in its work”, he added.

Eulogising Israel on their attitude, the Speaker of Parliament pointed out that Israel is always remembered for its patriotism, honesty and minimal corruption.

Explaining further, Mr. Oquaye informed Members of Parliament present that the Israeli government appointees are committed to the national course of their country rather than any individual gain.

Thereafter, he said, Ghana can learn from the good practice of Israel to strengthen the democracy and development of the nation.

On agriculture and other important sectors, Mr. Oquaye said that some Ghanaians have benefitted from Israel in the area of agriculture, medicine and other scientific developments through education.

In his concluding remarks, Mr. Oqauye stated that the co-operation between Ghana and Israel will help in the training and exposure of opportunities for staff members.

The delegation from Israel

Leader of the Israeli delegation to Ghana and the Chairman of the Committee for Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora affairs, Dr Avraham Neguise, stated that Ghana has contributed to the peace and stability at the Northern part of Israel, as the country’s Armed Forces are part of the United Nations’ (UN) mission in Israel.

Addressing the leadership of Parliament, Dr. Neguise revealed that Israel used to have status as an observer at the African Union (AU) but has subsequently lost such status.

He appealed to parliament to help Israel in regaining the observer status and that Israel, as part of the African Union, can play a vital role.

Mr. Neguise suggested that Ghana should move its embassy to Jerusalem, as the United States of America has done.

Minority leader’s submission

The Minority Leader and Member of Parliament for Tamale South, Mr. Haruna Iddrisu, stated that parliament is excited to see the growth of the relationship between the Ghana-Israeli Parliament Association.

In his submission on Israel’s call for a reinstatement at the African Union as an observer, Mr. Iddrisu indicated that Ghana will help in its application.

“Your request, following the withdrawal of Israel from the African Union Observer’s Status in 2002 must be revisited. This is an application, which I believe Ghana would take a look and help in the process”, he said.

Mr. Iddrisu again explained that Ghana has historically, supported Israel in the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian impasse.

“There is a lot that Ghana can benefit from Israel, even as small as it is. Israel still remains a giant country particularly, in the areas of irrigation development, agriculture, Information Communication Technology and Innovation”, he added.

Expressing his disappointment on the trade relations between the two countries, Mr. Iddrisu however, averred that he is not particularly excited about the trade numbers.

“US$30 million in trade is not enough for Ghana. I am sure we can do better as a country by looking at opportunities that can help in income generation for Ghana through export”, he concluded.

Source: GhanaJustice/S.Ayisi


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