Government to provide affordable housing for Low and Middle-income Ghanaians


The Minister for Works and Housing, Mr. Samuel Atta Akyea, says government is determined to address the housing deficit through partnerships with the private sector in the provision of affordable housing units of different typologies, to meet the demands of Ghanaians.

He said this when he was presenting a statement on the Occasion of the World Habitat Day, on the floor of Parliament.

The Minister revealed that his Ministry is implementing the Affordable Housing Programme aimed at providing adequate, decent affordable housing, particularly to the low and middle-income groups.

He reiterated that recognising low income levels as a challenge on the demand side of housing in the country, the Ministry’s focus therefore is how to make housing affordable.

He added that to achieve this goal, they are adopting cost-saving technologies and new techniques of construction as well as innovative mortgage financing.

He added that much attention has been given to reviewing the housing situation, and how to provide viable and sustainable solutions to ensure that ordinary Ghanaians are adequately housed.

The Minister acknowledged that government alone could not overcome the problem especially in the face of the increasing population growth.

He called on the private sector to partner government to deliver this basic necessity of life.

The World Habitat Day was instituted to reflect on the state of human settlements and the basic right to adequate shelter for all. ‘Housing Policies: Affordable Homes’ has been adopted by Ghana as the theme for this year’s celebration.





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