Eight year boy defiled by a hair apprentice

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A man aged 28 has found himself in the grips of the Nima Divisional Police Command of the Ghana Police Service for allegedly defiling an 8-year old boy contrary to Section 101(2) of the Criminal Offences Act, 1960 (Act 29).

Emmanuel Ocquaye, also known as Chanchu is an apprentice at a hair dye company at Kotobabi Down.

He was arraigned before the Accra Circuit Court on Monday and pleaded not guilty.

The prosecuting Officer, Chief Inspector Kofi Atimbire in his opening statement at the Accra Circuit Court presided over by Her Honour, Mrs. Abena Oppong Adjin-Doku said that in or about April 2018, the victim was on school vacation and usually assist his mother to sell in her provisions shop. The accused, Emmanuel Ocquaye who works closer to the victim’s mother’s provisions shop took advantage and became friends with the victim. He started luring him with games on his mobile phone. The accused lured the victim to his shop and ordered him to lay on the floor. The accused defiled the young boy.

Afterwards, the accused warned the victim not to inform anyone. The victim repeated the act with the victim on a second occasion. The victim started complaining of anal pain. The victim narrated his ordeal to his auntie. This led to the arrest of Emmanuel, who was handed over to the Nima police.

The accused in his caution statement denied the offence of defilement. He has been remanded into police custody.

The case was adjourned to 28th May, 2018.

Source: GhanaJustice/S.Ayisi